Imagine that your house is haunted by a killer ghost. Not only does she show up now and then in the house, but she also walks the property at night. Whenever she appears your body feels cold and you have the uncanny sensation that you’re being watched.
Her gaze is piercing. If you happen to look into her eyes, you could feel her suffering. This is Eleanor Mortimer. Her anger is paralyzing and may God help anyone who happens to cross her path.
How in the world did she become so lethal? Well, according to The Villa there is a history behind the haunting. I will not give away the story, but I will mention that she died in a fit of rage and she had not forgiven her oppressor.
What can the poor soul who happens to own this haunted house do? I believe that the power of God is much more potent than any spirit malevolent or not. So, he or she can always rely on this fact when confronting such a spirit.
When thinking about possessions and haunting one must always look into the cause. The answer sometimes points to some past wrong-doing. As I indicate in the book, “… our actions can affect those around us like the ripple effects of a pebble that is cast into the water. Hopefully, the ripple effects that we create during our lives are for the betterment of others…” (a quote from The Villa)
Eleanor has suffered a great deal at the hands of another. Will she find peace? I hope so.
Photo Credit” “The Ada Witch” by farlane is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
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